

2014-09-18 武太白 武太白英语教学

本篇选自《英语教学成功之道》(上海外语教育出版社)pp. 5-10.





Communication first and last

If communication in English is to be perceived by the learners as the main goal of the course, English should be used for real communication in the classroom as much as possible. This means introducing some of the English needed for genuine communication early in the course, for example, that needed for routine greetings, instructions, and requests. And, depending on the overall objectives of the course, as much time as possible should also be given to realistic work on the language skills that the learners need to master, for example, conversation, reading comprehension, or written composition.

This may mean seeing your course syllabus in a new way. It may seem on the surface that the most important element in the syllabus is a sequence of new language items. However, if you look more carefully, you will probably find that you are also expected to enable the learners to communicate in real situations. You may also find that you are expected to run the class mostly in English, avoiding complicated discussion of the new language items in the learners’ native language.

To do this successfully, especially with beginners, you will need techniques that allow you to focus on new language items without using the learners’ first language much. You will also need techniques for establishing and developing English as the main classroom language, for if you simply ‘speak English all the time’ you will quickly drive beginners, and even more advanced learners, to despair!

English as the main classroom language

Among the many possible uses of English in the classroom are:

-- greetings and farewells, for example: ‘Good morning. How are you?’; ‘See you tomorrow.’

-- instructions, for example: ‘Open your books at page sixty-two. Look at the picture.’

-- enquiries (询问), for example: ‘Can you see, David? Would you like to move over here?’

-- feedback, for example: ‘That’s interesting, Maria. Very good.’

-- chat, for example, calling roll (点名): ‘Tony...No? Where is he today? Does anyone know?’

Many of these interactions recur naturally, class after class. They can quickly become routines for the learners, just as they would learn common interactions if they were living in an English speaking country. Some teachers try to introduce English in the classroom little by little, using the learners’ first language most of the time at first. This is rather like trying to give up smoking little by little -- it hardly ever works. One of your first objectives in an English language course, even with beginners, should be to establish English as the main classroom language.

Teaching ideas


Here are some of the most useful techniques for presenting new English expressions for use in the classroom:

Demonstration with actions and objects

For example, close your own book as you say ‘Close your books’, hold up a sheet of paper as you say ‘Take a sheet of paper, one sheet of paper’, or draw columns on the board as you say ‘Draw three columns like this’.

Gesture and mime

For example, make the typical gesture with your hand as you say ‘Stand up’, ‘Come here’, or ‘Sit down’; mime writing as you say ‘Write the answers’, or mime distributing things as you say ‘Please give out these photocopies’.


Use a cognate expression, that is, one similar to an expression in the learners’ first language -- for example, ‘That’s correct’ helps Spanish learners understand ‘That’s right’, and ‘Excellent’ helps them understand ‘Very good’.

Translation into English

For example, learners may say in their L1 ‘What does that mean?’, ‘I don’t understand’, or ‘Will you repeat that?’ You can put the English versions of such useful expressions on cards on the wall and point to them when necessary. Add cards for new expressions as you introduce them.


Give the translation of the new expression the first time you use it, but after that get a learner to demonstrate or, if necessary, translate.










